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Goalfli's origin and evolution was a whirlwind of ideas built on the shoulders of one overarching goal, how can we help our incarcerated friends in a impactful way.

We are a for-profit entity because we believe the people we help have to have some skin in the game. Our founders understand the value of healthy relationships and the role they play in our friends successful reentry.


Employment also being one of their greatest barriers to reentry we took a holistic approach and built a website that not only collected their accolades but shared them with affiliate organizations in close promixity of their release addresses in an effort to connect them with the resources they will need upon release.

Every great success story had some help on the road to success and therefore we ask our friends to share their resources so that we can better serve them and those that come after them.


We believe our efforts make a difference and improve the lives of our incarcerated friends, their families, and ultimately the communities their returning to one day.

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Our Story

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