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Watch for Red Flags



Check the Facts

It is strongly recommended that you review the conviction section of an inmate's profile. We require our members to disclose their convictions in addition to the background check performed by Goalfli. You can perform your own background check with a simple Google search or utilize the Inmate locator on the DOC website in their respective State with their Inmate name and DOC number in hand. DOC websites provide criminal conviction history and other information.

Inmate Phone Calls

If you decide to receive phone calls from a prison pen-pal, it is important you understand how that impacts both you and your pen-pal. We recommend that you add funds to your account opposed to an inmates' debit account. Why? If you place funds in an inmate's debit account, the inmate is able to call you and anyone else he or she chooses. So, if you only want them to use the funds to call you, place the funds in your account.


Sending Money

Prisons and jails allow an inmate's friends and family to post funds to their spendable account (also called books). This money can be used to purchase hygiene and food from a commissary in the prison or jail. We do not recommend sending money. But if you do, do so with caution. Word of caution, not all inmates will attempt to manipulate you out of money, but there are some bad players who will, so we recommend that you take your time getting to know your prison pen-pal (minimum 3 months) before sending money.

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